Tuesday, May 10, 2016

In the Waves Below

Sweet baby girl with the hot tears brimming and streaking
Brimming and streaking as you swipe them with a cuff
Trickling down red cheeks because these feelings are bigger than before
Bigger than they were when you were six and all the world was right
And always would be

Sweet baby girl, now you are ten and now you feel
Deeper, broader, wider than you ever knew you could
Swept under by sadness that never more than lapped your toes
Never more than brushed your cheek when you were six
And all the world was right

You don't know how to brush it away anymore
Don't know how to laugh it off, how to forget
Telling me you don't want these emotions
Asking me to help you turn them off, and how to go back
To always cheerful, always smiles

Sweet baby girl don't give in to that, don't shut down
Let me stand beside you and let's feel this now
Don't be afraid of sorrow, grief, and last good-byes
I'll walk you down this path I've memorized by now
Down the path of broken hearts

Take a long, last, wistful look at innocence and childhood
Throw your head back to the melancholy waves, let the tears run
Down your face, and tell your your heart that it's OK to grieve
To grieve for all this world has lost, and all you lost today
Before you heal

So say it, please baby girl, let it all out now
It's OK
"Good-bye sweet Jim
I loved you with every space in my enormous little heart
I loved your head and tail held high every time that I would ride
The way your spunky steps made every other horse a bore
White socks prancing at the lead before the tired old guys
You were old, but you were never tired
I loved the way your spark matched mine
And I was always proud to be the one to ride you"

"Good-bye sweet Jim
My heart is breaking looking at you green pasture empty
Holding close the pictures that they gave me
Wondering if maybe 
I could visit your new home someday
I hope that you are happy"

Sweet baby girl with the hot tears brimming and streaking
Sometimes in the saying and the feeling lies the balm
Don't try to turn it off, let yourself feel it
Say it, write it, cry it to the stars above
In the waves below
Find healing

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